Советы по Delphi

Число строкой I

Данный код "считает" до миллиона долларов. Поэкспериментируйте с ним - попробуйте "посчитать" до миллиарда, конвертировать ее в рубли или переделать ее для работы с русским языком. Только не забудьте прислать мне ваши решения!

unit uNum2Str;

// Possible enhancements
// Move strings out to resource files
// Put in a general num2str utility


Num2Dollars( dNum: double ) : String;



function LessThan99( dNum: double ) : String; forward;

// floating point modulus
function FloatMod( i,j: double ): double;
result := i - (Int(i/j) * j);end;

function Hundreds( dNum: double ) : String;
workVar: double;begin
( dNum < 100 ) or ( dNum > 999 ) thenraise Exception.Create( 'hundreds range exceeded' );
result := '';
workVar := Int( dNum / 100 );if workVar > 0 thenresult := LessThan99(workVar) + ' Hundred';end; function OneToNine( dNum: Double ) : String;
( dNum < 1 ) or (dNum > 9 ) thenraise exception.create( 'onetonine: value out of range' );
result := 'woops';
if dNum = 1 then result := 'One'else if dNum = 2 then result := 'Two'else if dNum = 3 then result := 'Three'else if dNum = 4 then result := 'Four'else if dNum = 5.0 then result := 'Five'else if dNum = 6 then result := 'Six'else if dNum = 7 then result := 'Seven'else if dNum = 8 then result := 'Eight'else if dNum = 9 then result := 'Nine';

function ZeroTo19( dNum: double ) : String;
(dNum < 0) or (dNum > 19) thenraise Exception.Create( 'Bad value in dNum' );
result := '';
if dNum = 0 then result := 'Zero'else if (dNum <= 1) and (dNum >= 9) then result := OneToNine( dNum )else if dNum = 10 then result := 'Ten'else if dNum = 11 then result := 'Eleven'else if dNum = 12 then result := 'Twelve'else if dNum = 13 then result := 'Thirteen'else if dNum = 14 then result := 'Fourteen'else if dNum = 15 then result := 'Fifteen'else if dNum = 16 then result := 'Sixteen'else if dNum = 17 then result := 'Seventeen'else if dNum = 18 then result := 'Eighteen'else if dNum = 19 then result := 'Nineteen'else result := 'woops!';end;

function TwentyTo99( dNum: double ) : String;
BigNum: String;begin
( dNum < 20 ) or ( dNum > 99 ) thenraise exception.Create( 'TwentyTo99: dNum out of range!' );
BigNum := 'woops';
if dNum >= 90 then BigNum := 'Ninety'else if dNum >= 80 then BigNum := 'Eighty'else if dNum >= 70 then BigNum := 'Seventy'else if dNum >= 60 then BigNum := 'Sixty'else if dNum >= 50 then BigNum := 'Fifty'else if dNum >= 40 then BigNum := 'Forty'else if dNum >= 30 then BigNum := 'Thirty'else if dNum >= 20 then BigNum := 'Twenty';
// lose the big numdNum := FloatMod( dNum, 10 );
if dNum > 0.00 thenresult := BigNum + ' ' + OneToNine( dNum )elseresult := BigNum;end;

function LessThan99( dNum: double ) : String;
dNum <= 19 thenresult := ZeroTo19(dNum)elseresult := TwentyTo99(dNum);end;

function Num2Dollars( dNum: double ) : String;
centsString: String;cents: double;workVar: double;begin
result := '';
if dNum < 0 thenraise Exception.Create( 'Negative numbers not supported' );
if dNum > 999999999.99 thenraise Exception.Create( 'Num2Dollars only supports up to the millions at this point!' );

cents := (dNum - Int( dNum )) * 100.0;if cents = 0.0 thencentsString := 'and 00/100 Dollars'else if cents < 10 thencentsString := Format( 'and 0%1.0f/100 Dollars', [cents] )elsecentsString := Format( 'and %2.0f/100 Dollars', [cents] );
dNum := Int( dNum - (cents / 100.0) ); // lose the cents
// deal with million'sif (dNum >= 1000000 ) and ( dNum <= 999999999 ) thenbeginworkVar := dNum / 1000000;workVar := Int( workVar );if (workVar <= 9) thenresult := ZeroTo19(workVar)else if ( workVar <= 99 ) thenresult := LessThan99( workVar )else if ( workVar <= 999 ) thenresult := Hundreds( workVar )elseresult := 'mill fubar';
result := result + ' Million';
dNum := dNum - ( workVar * 1000000 );end;
// deal with 1000'sif (dNum >= 1000 ) and ( dNum <= 999999.99 ) thenbegin// doing the two below statements in one line of code yields some really// freaky floating point errorsworkVar := dNum/1000;workVar := Int( workVar );if (workVar <= 9) thenresult := ZeroTo19(workVar)else if ( workVar <= 99 ) thenresult := LessThan99( workVar )else if ( workVar <= 999 ) thenresult := Hundreds( workVar )elseresult := 'thou fubar';
result := result + ' Thousand';
dNum := dNum - ( workVar * 1000 );end;
// deal with 100'sif (dNum >= 100.00 ) and (dNum <= 999.99) thenbeginresult := result + ' ' + Hundreds( dNum );dNum := FloatMod( dNum, 100 );end;
// format in anything less than 100if ( dNum > 0) or ((dNum = 0) and (Length( result ) = 0)) thenbeginresult := result + ' ' + LessThan99( dNum );end;result := result + ' ' + centsString;end;



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